Our Mission
We want to help 100,000+ companies hire top-tier talents
The Talent Program
is an initiative aimed at enhancing Africa's technological capabilities through training, sponsorships, and remote work opportunities. Portal serves as the bridge connecting highly skilled individuals from Africa with employers worldwide. We accomplish this by carefully sourcing, screening, training, and matching talents based on their technical expertise and alignment with the employers' culture. This approach has yielded successful matches, where talents thrive in environments that resonate with their skills, values, and passions.
We have integrated this approach...
into Portal, a tool designed for the future of remote work. Portal is built on the principles of simplicity & effectiveness.
Portal introduces avatars into the realm of remote work, placing a strong emphasis on a talent's abilities above all else. These digital representations are to encourage hirers to focus on each candidate's capabilities and potential.
Portal isn't just a platform; it's a game-changer in the world of remote work, empowering businesses to access top-tier talent with precision and ease.
- The Talent Program Team.
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